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Microsoft powerpoint presentation templates 2013 free free. PowerPoint

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Microsoft powerpoint presentation templates 2013 free free. Free powerpoint Templates Design


Featuring 15 unique slides with images, tables, flowcharts, and graphs giving you everything you need to create a great presentation. Vega is a fun and lively colorful Powerpoint template.

With popping graphics and the use of lively colors it will be hard to look away. This template is a very modern and clean looking Powerpoint template. Every is very simple to use with a drag and drop feature to make it easy and quick to get the content you want in the correct places.

The Minta template is a clean Powerpoint template that is designed for business proposals. Featuring 21 unique slides with high quality vector graphics this template is sure to wow the audience.

Those who love technology and science will want to grab this STEM pitch deck powerpoint template. Great for medical and tech startup presentations and pitch decks. Malachite features 25 unique Powerpoint slides with a water droplet theme. This template features a grey, white, orange, and yellow color scheme. Along with this it contains slides for images, flowcharts, and graphs. London Minimal Powerpoint template is a modern template with an elegant feel.

London features 50 different slides and icons along with 44 maps. Fun, colorful, professional are all words that describe the Remy Powerpoint template. With 21 unique slides that are all easily editable, get creative and create stunning presentations with the Remy Powerpoint template. A elegant and simple design is a timeless look. That is where the Quantities template shines. Giving us a elegant, organized, and clean Powerpoint template for us to stun our audience with.

The Mamayu is perfect for incorporating images into a professional Powerpoint presentation. If you would rather your photographs do the talking instead of a lot of text on your slides then check out this template. Have a presentation for this holiday season? If yes, make sure to check out the Icy Crystal template to bring the holiday spirit to your audience.

Salam is a clean template that features 21 unique slides that are easy to read that is easy to customize. The Competitor Analysis Powerpoint template as the name states is designed for a competitor analysis, but with some creativity you can manipulate the included infographics to suit your needs. Checklist features 10 unique slides that are fully editable.

Along with these 10 slides there are high quality vector graphics that include flowcharts, graphs, images, and tables. Aida is a clean and colorful modern Powerpoint template that is designed to stun viewers with visual graphics. Thanks for these free Powerpoints slides. I was actually looking for something new, and I found it. Thanks a lot for your effort. Your email address will not be published. In less than a decade, it has revolutionized the worlds of business, education, science, and communications, swiftly becoming the standard for just about anybody who wants to explain just about anything to just about anybody else.

From corporate middle managers reporting on production goals to 4th-graders fashioning a show-and-tell on the French and Indian War to church pastors explicating the seven deadly sins PowerPoint seems poised for world domination.

As uses broadened, cultural awareness of PowerPoint grew and commentary about it began to appear. Out of all the analyses of PowerPoint over a quarter of a century, at least three general themes emerged as categories of reaction to its broader use: 1 "Use it less": avoid PowerPoint in favor of alternatives, such as using more-complex graphics and written prose, or using nothing; [17] 2 "Use it differently": make a major change to a PowerPoint style that is simpler and pictorial, turning the presentation toward a performance, more like a Steve Jobs keynote; [18] and 3 "Use it better": retain much of the conventional PowerPoint style but learn to avoid making many kinds of mistakes that can interfere with communication.

An early reaction was that the broader use of PowerPoint was a mistake, and should be reversed. An influential example of this came from Edward Tufte , an authority on information design, who has been a professor of political science, statistics, and computer science at Princeton and Yale, but is best known for his self-published books on data visualization, which have sold nearly 2 million copies as of In , he published a widely-read booklet titled The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint, revised in PowerPoint's convenience for some presenters is costly to the content and the audience.

These costs arise from the cognitive style characteristics of the standard default PP presentation: foreshortening of evidence and thought, low spatial resolution, an intensely hierarchical single-path structure as the model for organizing every type of content, breaking up narratives and data into slides and minimal fragments, rapid temporal sequencing of thin information rather than focused spatial analysis, conspicuous chartjunk and PP Phluff, branding of slides with logotypes, a preoccupation with format not content, incompetent designs for data graphics and tables, and a smirky commercialism that turns information into a sales pitch and presenters into marketeers [italics in original].

Tufte particularly advised against using PowerPoint for reporting scientific analyses, using as a dramatic example some slides made during the flight of the space shuttle Columbia after it had been damaged by an accident at liftoff, slides which poorly communicated the engineers' limited understanding of what had happened. Many commentators enthusiastically joined in Tufte's vivid criticism of PowerPoint uses, [] and at a conference held in a decade after Tufte's booklet appeared one paper claimed that "Despite all the criticism about his work, Tufte can be considered as the single most influential author in the discourse on PowerPoint.

While his approach was not rigorous from a research perspective, his articles received wide resonance with the public at large It's like denouncing lectures—before there were awful PowerPoint presentations, there were awful scripted lectures, unscripted lectures, slide shows, chalk talks, and so on. Much of the early commentary, on all sides, was "informal" and "anecdotal", because empirical research had been limited.

A second reaction to PowerPoint use was to say that PowerPoint can be used well, but only by substantially changing its style of use. This reaction is exemplified by Richard E. Mayer , a professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who has studied cognition and learning, particularly the design of educational multimedia, and who has published more than publications, including over 30 books. Instead, we have to change our PowerPoint habits to align with the way people learn.

Tufte had argued his judgment that the information density of text on PowerPoint slides was too low, perhaps only 40 words on a slide, leading to over-simplified messages; [] Mayer responded that his empirical research showed exactly the opposite, that the amount of text on PowerPoint slides was usually too high, and that even fewer than 40 words on a slide resulted in "PowerPoint overload" that impeded understanding during presentations.

Mayer suggested a few major changes from traditional PowerPoint formats: [18]. Mayer's ideas are claimed by Carmine Gallo to have been reflected in Steve Jobs's presentations: "Mayer outlined fundamental principles of multimedia design based on what scientists know about cognitive functioning. Steve Jobs's slides adhere to each of Mayer's principles Although most presentation designers who are familiar with both formats prefer to work in the more elegant Keynote system, those same designers will tell you that the majority of their client work is done in PowerPoint.

Consistent with its association with Steve Jobs's keynotes, a response to this style has been that it is particularly effective for "ballroom-style presentations" as often given in conference center ballrooms where a celebrated and practiced speaker addresses a large passive audience, but less appropriate for "conference room-style presentations" which are often recurring internal business meetings for in-depth discussion with motivated counterparts.

A third reaction to PowerPoint use was to conclude that the standard style is capable of being used well, but that many small points need to be executed carefully, to avoid impeding understanding. This kind of analysis is particularly associated with Stephen Kosslyn , a cognitive neuroscientist who specializes in the psychology of learning and visual communication, and who has been head of the department of psychology at Harvard, has been Director of Stanford's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and has published some papers and 14 books.

Kosslyn presented a set of psychological principles of "human perception, memory, and comprehension" that "appears to capture the major points of agreement among researchers. For this reason, Kosslyn says, users need specific education to be able to identify best ways to avoid "flaws and failures": [].

Specifically, we hypothesized and found that the psychological principles are often violated in PowerPoint slideshows across different fields These studies converge in painting the following picture: PowerPoint presentations are commonly flawed; some types of flaws are more common than others; flaws are not isolated to one domain or context; and, although some types of flaws annoy the audience, flaws at the level of slide design are not always obvious to an untrained observer The many "flaws and failures" identified were those "likely to disrupt the comprehension or memory of the material.

Kosslyn observes that these findings could help to explain why the many studies of the instructional effectiveness of PowerPoint have been inconclusive and conflicting, if there were differences in the quality of the presentations tested in different studies that went unobserved because "many may feel that 'good design' is intuitively clear. In Kosslyn wrote a book about PowerPoint, in which he suggested a very large number of fairly modest changes to PowerPoint styles and gave advice on recommended ways of using PowerPoint.

In fact, this medium is a remarkably versatile tool that can be extraordinarily effective. For many purposes, PowerPoint presentations are a superior medium of communication, which is why they have become standard in so many fields.

In , an online poll of social media users in the UK was reported to show that PowerPoint "remains as popular with young tech-savvy users as it is with the Baby Boomers," with about four out of five saying that "PowerPoint was a great tool for making presentations," in part because "PowerPoint, with its capacity to be highly visual, bridges the wordy world of yesterday with the visual future of tomorrow.

Also in , the Managerial Communication Group of MIT Sloan School of Management polled their incoming MBA students, finding that "results underscore just how differently this generation communicates as compared with older workers.

Two-thirds report that they present on a daily or weekly basis—so it's no surprise that in-person presentations is the top skill they hope to improve. The trend is toward presentations and slides, and we don't see any sign of that slowing down. Use of PowerPoint by the U. By , ten years after PowerPoint for Windows appeared, it was already identified as an important feature of U.

Old-fashioned slide briefings, designed to update generals on troop movements, have been a staple of the military since World War II. But in only a few short years PowerPoint has altered the landscape. Just as word processing made it easier to produce long, meandering memos, the spread of PowerPoint has unleashed a blizzard of jazzy but often incoherent visuals. Instead of drawing up a dozen slides on a legal pad and running them over to the graphics department, captains and colonels now can create hundreds of slides in a few hours without ever leaving their desks.

If the spirit moves them they can build in gunfire sound effects and images that explode like land mines. PowerPoint has become such an ingrained part of the defense culture that it has seeped into the military lexicon. After another 10 years, in and again on its front page the New York Times reported that PowerPoint use in the military was then "a military tool that has spun out of control": [].

Like an insurgency, PowerPoint has crept into the daily lives of military commanders and reached the level of near obsession. The amount of time expended on PowerPoint, the Microsoft presentation program of computer-generated charts, graphs and bullet points, has made it a running joke in the Pentagon and in Iraq and Afghanistan. Commanders say that behind all the PowerPoint jokes are serious concerns that the program stifles discussion, critical thinking and thoughtful decision-making.

Not least, it ties up junior officers The New York Times account went on to say that as a result some U. James N. He spoke without PowerPoint.

McMaster , who banned PowerPoint presentations when he led the successful effort to secure the northern Iraqi city of Tal Afar in , followed up at the same conference by likening PowerPoint to an internal threat. Several incidents, about the same time, gave wide currency to discussions by serving military officers describing excessive PowerPoint use and the organizational culture that encouraged it.

Kosslyn sent a joint letter to the editor stressing the institutional culture of the military: " The problem is not in the tool itself, but in the way that people use it—which is partly a result of how institutions promote misuse.

The two generals who had been mentioned in as opposing the institutional culture of excessive PowerPoint use were both in the news again in , when James N. Mattis became U. Secretary of Defense, [] and H. McMaster was appointed as U.

National Security Advisor. It started off as a joke this software is a symbol of corporate salesmanship, or lack thereof but then the work took on a life of its own as I realized I could create pieces that were moving, despite the limitations of the 'medium. In Byrne toured with a theater piece styled as a PowerPoint presentation. When he presented it in Berkeley, on March 8, , the University of California news service reported: "Byrne also defended its [PowerPoint's] appeal as more than just a business tool—as a medium for art and theater.

Berkeley alumnus Bob Gaskins and Dennis Austin Eventually, Byrne said, PowerPoint could be the foundation for 'presentational theater,' with roots in Brechtian drama and Asian puppet theater.

I was terrified. The expressions "PowerPoint Art" or " pptArt " are used to define a contemporary Italian artistic movement which believes that the corporate world can be a unique and exceptional source of inspiration for the artist. The wide use of PowerPoint had, by , given rise to " PowerPoint Viewer is the name for a series of small free application programs to be used on computers without PowerPoint installed, to view, project, or print but not create or edit presentations.

The first version was introduced with PowerPoint 3. Beginning with PowerPoint , a feature called "Package for CD" automatically managed all linked video and audio files plus needed fonts when exporting a presentation to a disk or flash drive or network location, [] and also included a copy of a revised PowerPoint Viewer application so that the result could be presented on other PCs without installing anything.

The latest version that runs on Windows "was created in conjunction with PowerPoint , but it can also be used to view newer presentations created in PowerPoint and PowerPoint All transitions, videos and effects appear and behave the same when viewed using PowerPoint Viewer as they do when viewed in PowerPoint As of May [update] , the last versions of PowerPoint Viewer for all platforms have been retired by Microsoft; they are no longer available for download and no longer receive security updates.

PowerPoint Online. Early versions of PowerPoint, from through versions 1. A stable binary format called a. It was based on the Compound File Binary Format. The ". Binary filename extensions []. Binary media types [].

XML filename extensions []. XML media types []. The standardization process was contentious. PowerPoint version The reason for the two variants was explained by Microsoft: []. The first objective was for the Open XML standard to provide an XML-based file format that could fully support conversion of the billions of existing Office documents without any loss of features, content, text, layout, or other information, including embedded data. The second was to specify a file format that did not rely on Microsoft-specific data types.

They created two variants of Open XML—Transitional, which supports previously-defined Microsoft-specific data types, and Strict, which does not rely on them. The PowerPoint. Library of Congress. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Presentation application, part of Microsoft Office. For other uses, see Power point disambiguation. A photo presentation being created and edited in PowerPoint, running on Windows Office Beta Channel List of languages.

PowerPoint for Mac version See also: History of Microsoft Office. See also: Richard E. Mayer and Steve Jobs Keynotes. See also: Stephen Kosslyn. The Verge. Retrieved October 5, Archived from the original on August 28, Retrieved August 28, Microsoft Docs. App Store. Encyclopaedia Britannica. November 25, Archived from the original on October 8, Retrieved August 25, The program, initially named Presenter, was released for the Apple Macintosh in ISSN Archived from the original on May 24, Company News.

New York Times. CXXXV, no. July 31, October 1, Archived from the original on August 6, Retrieved August 24, Vinland Books. ISBN Archived PDF from the original on June 24, Retrieved August 12, Technical Communication. Archived PDF from the original on August 9, For many years, Microsoft has led the market with its program PowerPoint.

Wired UK. Archived from the original on August 15, Retrieved September 6, Additional archives: September 11, April 23, Revision 1. Archived from the original on June 17, Retrieved September 23, Oxford University Press. Communications of the ACM. S2CID Archived PDF from the original on January 7, Retrieved May 27, Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on August 22, Retrieved August 22, PowerPoint's two creators Robert Gaskins was the visionary entrepreneur October 31, Archived from the original on November 2, Retrieved November 2, PowerPoint was not at all in their original plan.

Rather than liquidate the firm, management and investors decided to "restart" Forethought Forethought began to develop a software product of its own. This new effort was the brainchild of Robert Gaskins, an accomplished computer scientist who'd been hired to lead Forethought's product development.

PowerPoint History Documents. Archived PDF from the original on November 6, Retrieved August 21, Computer History Museum, Archive. Archived from the original PDF on November 12, In October I joined Forethought Retrieved April 22, News, Software.

Archived from the original on August 24, Archived from the original on January 23, Retrieved August 23, Windows 1. Interviewed by Geetesh Bajaj. Archived from the original on April 4, We completed PowerPoint so as to ship it on schedule on April Channel9 videos, Microsoft Developer Network. Jeff Raikes talks A transcript of the relevant section is also available. New York Times New York ed. Archived from the original on June 20, I wrote and presented a proposal to Bill Gates for a new piece of software for the personal computer, specifically to help people create presentations Dobb's Journal.

Archived from the original on June 27, We worked out a letter of intent. March 6, Archived from the original on August 21, Scripting News. Archived from the original on September 7, Archived PDF from the original on May 17, American Antiquarian Society. Retrieved April 16, Archived from the original on June 23, The Forethought group will become Microsoft's Graphics Business Unit, forming a permanent Microsoft development and marketing facility in Sunnyvale, California.

With a site in California, Microsoft hopes to recruit programmers who might not want to relocate to Washington, [Microsoft president Jon] Shirley said. Archived from the original on September 30, Retrieved September 30, I'll just say that if you're in the business of putting on briefings and otherwise making presentations, you might want to seriously contemplate getting a Mac II just so you can use this program; it's that good.

Highly recommended. Archived from the original on May 25, Retrieved August 4, We have learned a tremendous number of technical insights through working with the Genigraphics engineering group The first three versions are described in the sidebar, "Presentation Formats and PowerPoint," p.

A special promotion announced last week by Microsoft Corp. The special edition, called The Microsoft Office, includes Word 4. The promotion is available until the end of the year. Microsoft last week announced the release of The Microsoft Office for Windows, which bundles three of the company's popular Windows applications—Word, Excel, and PowerPoint—for significantly less than they would cost separately. The product brings to the Windows environment basically the equivalent of The Microsoft Office for Macintosh, which was announced a year ago.

Because powerful tools make powerful presentations". MacWorld advertisement. BA1—BA2 inside front cover spread. August 31, Archived from the original on December 21, Slated Antitrust scanned court evidence files Microsoft Memo. Archived PDF from the original on August 28, From Vashee served in various senior marketing, product management and executive positions at Microsoft. Archived PDF from the original on August 7, Note that version 7. Microsoft Developer Network.

Archived from the original on July 7, Robert Gaskins Home Page. Microsoft Support. Archived from the original on July 31, Retrieved August 26, Microsoft Silicon Valley. August 17, Come join the PowerPoint team The PowerPoint team has the responsibility for the design, implementation, and testing January 10, Microsoft News Center. Archived from the original on November 28, MBD has grown to include Rounded unit sales figures are from the revenue tables p.

Ars Technica. Archived from the original on May 12, January 2, Retrieved September 9, XX, no. IDG Communications. Archived from the original on September 9, Freelance Plus, the first new release of Freelance since Lotus acquired the graphics package from Graphics Communications Inc. Get it now with a Microsoft subscription. Now you can easily insert 3D objects and embedded animations directly into PowerPoint decks from your own files or a library of content.

Easily ink onto a slide, then convert handwritten notes into text and make hand-drawn shapes perfect in seconds. With Presenter Coach, practice your speech and get recommendations on pacing, word choice, and more through the power of AI.

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